DBS1200SPLR Review

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ComX Computers

DBS1200SPLR Intel DBS1200SPLR "Silver Pass" S1200SP Single Processor Xeon SATA Server Motherboard (uATX)

Intel DBS1200SPLR "Silver Pass" S1200SP Single Processor Xeon SATA Server Motherboard (uATX)
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Intel DBS1200SPLR "Silver Pass" S1200SP Single Processor Xeon SATA Server Motherboard (uATX) Pedestal Socket-H4 LGA1151, Intel C236 Chipset, GT2 graphics Display Port & VGA, Dual GBE LAN (i210), 4 DIMM Slots DDR4 2133 (Unbuffered only) 2 Memory Channels 64GB Max, 2x PCI-Express 3.0 x8, 1x PCI-Express 3.0 x4, 1x M.2 SATA SSD port, 8x SATA3 ports (6Gbps), Software RAID RST (0 / 1 / 10 / 5) & ESRT2 (0 / 1 / 10), 2x USB3.0 ports & 2x USB2.0 ports on back panel, Supported Processor : Intel Xeon E3 1200V5/V6 Series (ONLY), Supported Chassis : Intel P4304XXSFCN / P4304XXSHCN / P4000XXSFDR (2x 460W PSU), Embedded Options RMM4Lite available + Intel Integrated RAID module supported

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