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What is the PAIA manual?

The manual is a guide on the procedures a user must follow in order to receive information about our company. The manual is available on our web site.

This manual does not contain any information about the company.

It is only a guide on what to do in order to receive this information. You may only request to receive information to exercise certain rights, and the specific right you would like to exercise must be specified on your application.

Non-refundable charges apply, and the application may be declined.

It is free and faster to access information at CIPC here.

The manual itself is available free of charge. Please complete these details to receive our manual. A correct email address is essential as the information is sent by email.

You may also request to receive this manual, with the reason, by emailing
Who to contact

Full Name
Email address
Reason for request
  • I confirm that the particulars in this form are true and correct.
  • I agree to the terms & conditions on this web site.
  • I understand, and agree, that my IP address and various other statistical information will be sent with this request.
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PAIA manual requests are reviewed.

We take privacy seriously - beyond the requirements of the POPI act.

We reserve the right not to disclose information if we believe that there is no reasonable reason for its desclosure, if the reason for this request can be answered by email, or if it violates the right to privacy of the members or employees of the C.C.

Privacy policy: No private or sensitive information is sent to us except that which has been provided by you. Please review our privacy statement here

E&OE. All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. All prices are a reference and are an invitation for potential buyers to make an offer to purchase, which we may reject without reason. At no point do we make offers to sell on any website and quotes are required before a purchase can be made. All transactions are subject to our terms of sale. ComX Computers: a South African online computer store.
© 2025 ComX computers. All materials and content posted on this Web site, including, but not limited to, all text, graphics, photographs, data, images, functions and scripts are the property of, subject to and protected by copyrights owned by the ComXpert International CC © ("ComX Computers" / "Laptop Direct" ). Other brands, trademarks and Logos are the property of their respective owners in South Africa and/or other countries.
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